I have noticed that many e-commerce platforms with food in Sweden increase their customer base by handing out discounts for example reduced prices. However, I have observed that the discount is only available the first time a customer shops via the platform. I think more companies should think differently about this to increase their number of customers. For example, they can start interacting more with customers through more discounts. Therefore, my design proposal is that more e-commerce platforms with food should start with games that increase participation on their apps and websites. These games can appear once a day, if a customer has shopped for a certain amount for a certain time or if the person generates more users to the platform. My idea is that the game should be relatively simple, but still motivate the customer to win and in the long run use the service more frequently. Something that I also think is that food services in the future can apply their own graphic profile in the game that I designed in the assignment. You can scroll down to see the final results.